What do you think of Miranda? She is the second hottest woman I know, I replied. I better be the first, she teased, beginning to ride me faster. Mom, you are perfection personified, I moaned. Would you like to fuck Miranda? my Mom asked. Surprised, I moaned, Of course. She and I have been playing on the side for years, my Mom revealed. She is one amazing cunt muncher. No way, I grunted, the revelation seemingly making my second greatest fantasy come true, not to mention the thought of my Mother as a lesbian was fucking hot. Way, she joked, and she loves young cock. She can go all night long. She is like the energizer bunny, she fucks all night long. Oh my God, I moaned, I cant believe it. Mom began bouncing on my cock taking it completely and said, Believe it stud. She is my little sex kitten and she will eagerly be your plaything too. Now tell me when you are close Baby, I want to taste your sweet load. Yes, Mommy, I moaned. Watching her ride me like a complete slut, her breasts. I kissed her pussy and teased it with my tongue. She moaned with pleasure. I let my hand run over her tender thighs giving her the extra sense of bliss. Grabbing her ass I pushed her pussy to my mouth as I sucked he clitoris. I began to suck like a little baby sucking and pulling the nipples. She was getting mad in ecstasy. I teased my tongue to her hole and pushed in rotating. After some time I got up and loosened the ropes just enough to turn her around and at the same time was careful her hands did not reach he blindfold. I noticed the excitement rise in Babu's eyes and dick as her ass came to view. He came over to me and gave me the cam. I took it and withdrew to enjoy the show.He squeezed her ass and kneeled down. Opening her ass cheeks he let his tongue loose as she began to wriggle. He tongued her asshole. She tried to move away but he held her and continued teasing her asshole. She started shouting – leave me – but he held her and his tongue continued to throb in her asshole..
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